FIRNS: Community Benefits Certification Plug In - Advisory Group Session

Deciding Matters is hosting an online workshop, bringing together stakeholders with a range of expertise in nature-financing to provide key insights to help shape the development of the Community Benefits Certification Plug In.
Project leads from pilot sites across Scotland have come together over a series of workshops and one-to-one conversations to identify community benefits as well as some of the challenges to community inclusion, and what actions could be taken to address these challenges. We are now seeking to engage with diverse voices to assess the relevance and feasibility of these challenges and potential solutions.
Draft challenges and actions will be shared in advance of the session. Participants will be asked to identify gaps and additional priority challenges this work should address. Participants will also be asked to provide expert feedback on identified actions with regards to feasibility, financial incentive, and effectiveness at tackling the challenges.
Insights gathered at this workshop will be shared back with project leads, alongside outputs from a range of community events and other stakeholder sessions. All outputs will be reviewed before project leads will refine recommendations and shape our first draft Community Benefits Certification Plug In.