Aero Space Kinross launch Star Offer

Alisdair Stewart CEO at recent launch and some local supporters
Norette Ferns

Aero Space Kinross (ASK) have launched a Star Offer to help them reach their Community Share target of £50,000 by the end of June 2017.

The ASK project will be a knowledge hub, exciting visitor attraction and event venue to be enjoyed by the local community and visitors, with features including a planetarium and flight simulation. The project will also inspire future generations into flight-related, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths) careers and leisure flying pursuits.

Community Share investment will also enable a "build-a-plane" project in which local Kinross school kids will have a chance to help build a real plane from a kit which will make a clear link between the project and STEM education from the outset.

ASK have announced the Star Offer to give even more options for people in the Perth and Kinross area and further afield the chance to get involved by pledging to buy a star for display on a Wall of Stars. The Star Offer starts with a pledge of only £10 for the purchase of a blank star plus one free admission, rising to a pledge of £100 for a named star and 12 free adult/concession visits.

Commenting on the new Star Offer, chairman of ASK, Alisdair Stewart said:

"We really want to widen our reach and community engagement through OUR BIG ASK with something fun and engaging. In essence, the Star Offer will give people a way to pledge smaller amounts of money and become involved in Aero Space Kinross at the very start without necessarily becoming a full investor.

"It will also give an additional reason for families and friends to visit our space flight and aviation centre in due course, as they will be able to point to their 'stars' in the galaxy on the wall in the entrance foyer each time they come. It can also be a novel way of marking a big birthday, a means of remembering someone special or just a bit of fun with our named star offer for £100."

The ASK community share offer was launched in April by TV presenter Carol Vorderman and has already attracted pledges worth £38,000 but the ASK team are now focused on reaching the minimum target of £50,000. So, the challenge they now face is to find backers for the remaining £12,000 before the closing date on 30 June.

The Community Share Offer has been developed with support and guidance from Community Shares Scotland.

Sandra Macaskill, programme officer for Community Shares Scotland said:

"We are delighted to be involved in this exciting and innovative space flight and aviation project in Kinross. It will be an incredible opportunity for local communities to have a family orientated and fun education based learning centre in the heart of Kinross.  It is a project with far-reaching benefits - inspiring many young people about space and flight technologies, creating new jobs, putting Kinross on the map and bringing increased tourism traffic in due course to the wider area."

The Community Share Offer runs until 30 June 2017, or when the maximum target is reached.

Visit the Areo Space Kinross website for more information.