Childcare in Scotland survey launched

A survey has been launched by the Scottish Women's Convention (SWC) to find out more about people’s experiences of childcare in Scotland, and in particular what you would like to see change within the sector.
The Scottish Women's Convention (SWC) is funded by Scottish Government through its Equality & Human Rights fund delivered by Inspiring Scotland.
The SWC engage with women throughout Scotland to gain their views and influence public policy. SWC use the views given by women to respond to a variety of parliamentary, governmental, and organisational consultation papers at both a Scottish and UK level. Its main objectives are:
- Consult with women and use their voices as part of the engagement process.
- Ensure all policy and decision-making authorities take account of women’s equality.
- Recognise and highlight the potential impacts which policies have on women.
- Promote the needs of different groups of women.
- Actively pursue solutions which look to achieve equality for women.
The information given in this survey will be used to support development of public policy and promote equality within Scotland and all information provided will be kept completely anonymous: any identifying information will not be included in reports or publications.
You can find the survey at:
The SWC have a resources webpage with additional information and contacts for women and girls covering a wide range of issues and themes, which they can utilise in their fight for equality and which can be accessed here