Documentary captures access to land issues

A new documentary highlighting access to land issues across Europe is available to watch online.
The 'Land for our Food' film follows the journey of Gavin Bridger, a grower from the Community Supported Agriculture project of Farnham Local Food in England, through various European countries in his quest of accessing land for agroecological farming.
The 34-minute 'road trip' film was produced by the Access to Land network, a European network of grassroots organisations securing land for agroecological farming.
The film captures a range of practical experiences including stories of a new grower in France, next generation shepherds in the Catalan Pyrenees, farmland squatters outside Rome and a Romanian peasant trying to survive in a landscape of corporate agriculture.
You can watch the film below or on Vimeo. You can share your thoughts on Twitter using the hashtags #accesstoland and #landforourfood.