Free Rural Campaign Training

A free two day training workshop run by Scottish Rural Action, the organisation behind the Scottish Rural Parliament, seeks to train and support new and existing rural campaigners.
The training is supported by the Voluntary Action Fund and led by the Sheila McKechnie Foundation (SMK), which has 12 years’ experience of training and supporting campaigners across the UK and Europe.
At the end of the two days participants will gain an understanding of:
The elements of a successful campaign.
Why campaigning is important.
How to develop a campaign strategy – from identifying the issue to monitoring and evaluation after the campaign.
Tools for developing objectives, a Theory of Change, key messages and an elevator pitch.
The practical steps for developing a campaign strategy.
An overview of how to influence local and central government, including MP’s and councillors.
The importance of involving the media in campaigning and advice on how to create a good news story and work/ communicate with journalists, including creating press releases and using other techniques to gain media coverage.
The potential uses of social media in boosting campaigns.
The course runs from Thurs 30 March to Fri 31 March at the Perth Concert Hall.
Further details can be found at the Scottish Rural Parliament website.