Funded training from Samaritans in the West Highlands and Skye

The Samaritans is the UK’s leading suicide prevention charity. They are now offering their ‘Conversations with Vulnerable People’ training course online over March and April to employers and communities in the West Highlands and Skye, free of charge.
The training forms part of their broader project work in the area that aims to raise awareness of Samaritans services and supports, with a strong focus on reaching lone and isolated workers. Overall, they hope to improve the mental wellbeing and resilience of communities, and, to help reduce the suicide risk in remote and rural areas.
‘Conversations with Vulnerable People’ equips participants with the skills and confidence to have supportive and effective conversations – allowing them to manage those conversations effectively, and with confidence and sensitivity.
Courses can be delivered directly to staff teams or communities and run from 09.30-4.30pm. The course is led by an expert Samaritans facilitator and uses a variety of tools to encourage interaction and group learning. Delivery can be online (2x3 hour sessions) or in-person. Course numbers are a maximum of 12 people and organisations must be based in the West Highlands or Skye.
For current available course dates and booking click here
For training enquiries, or to connect with the project team, please contact Fiona Thompson, West Highlands and Skye Project Manager,