Paid participation opportunities to shape the future of agricultural

With changes to agricultural support coming into effect from 2025, Scottish Government is calling on the agriculture sector to help us shape the detail of future of support and how it is delivered.
Opportunities will include interviews, surveys, workshops, testing and trials and anyone can take part. Volunteers will be reimbursed with payment levels depending on the time and input required and people can register their interest on the Rural Payments website using this link - or by visiting the home page at
The first opportunities will run until end December 2023 and will focus on changes coming into effect from 2025. Information about further topics and activities will be shared in the coming months.
The link takes participants to a questionnaire where they will be asked for some information including name, contact details, BRN number (if they have one) and preferences for the type of activity they would prefer. Filling in the form is simply a registration of interest and does not commit someone to taking part in any of the research activities that are offered.
This opportunity is open to everyone. Organisations are encouraged to get involved and spread the word with their own members and networks and through their communication channels. By sharing the link to the questionnaire, you can help ensure your sector or area of interest is represented and influencing how future support is delivered.
More information on the changes to agricultural support can be found in the Agricultural Reform Route Map which has been updated to include information about these opportunities.