Scotland 2045 - fourth National Planning Framework - draft: consultation

Have your say
Sophie Law

The fourth National Planning Framework draft consultation opened earlier this month, it sets out how the approach to planning and development will help to achieve a net zero, sustainable Scotland by 2045.

Now is the chance for you to have your say on the future of scottish planning.

It explains how the government wish to work together to build sustainable, liveable, productive and distinctive places.

The amended Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 directs that the National Planning Framework must contribute to a series of six outcomes: improving the health and wellbeing of our people; increasing the population of rural areas; meeting housing needs; improving equality and eliminating discrimination; meeting targets for emissions of greenhouse gases; and securing positive effects for biodiversity. 


Part 1 – sets out an overarching spatial strategy for Scotland in the future. This includes priorities, spatial principles and action areas. This should be used to guide the preparation of regional spatial strategies, local development plans and local place plans. The strategy will also be relevant to wider policies and strategies relating to land use.

Part 2 – sets out proposed national developments that support the spatial strategy.

Part 3 – sets out policies for the development and use of land which are to be applied in the preparation of local development plans; local place plans; masterplans and briefs; and for determining the range of planning consents. This part should be taken as a whole, and all relevant policies should be applied to each application.

Part 4 – provides an outline of how we will deliver this strategy. This will be developed into a standalone, live delivery programme once NPF4 has been approved and adopted.


See the full consultation here  and have your say before it closes