Scottish Borders LEADER open for applications

News from Scottish Borders LEADER
Scottish Borders LEADER is now ready to receive applications for LEADER programme funding.
Rather than having one big launch event, we are holding a series of targeted meetings directed at specific rural areas and sectors in the Scottish Borders.
Our LEADER Programme Facilitator, Simon Lynch, has been spreading the word among community and business groups as well as the local NFU Scotland for several months now with the effect that we have already received 49 Expressions of Interest and have started the application process with a number of projects.
We are developing posters to display in key rural venues as well as leaflets and banners. In addition, we have recently launched our Facebook page at which has already been well received.
Like all the Local Action Group areas we have been beavering away in the background to prepare for the start of the LEADER 2014-2020 programme and are now raring to go! Good luck to you all.
If you want to apply for LEADER funding the first step is to complete an Expression of Interest form or for an initial informal discussion, please call Simon Lynch or Fiona McDougall on 01835 826661 or email: