SLC launch second round of free online webinars

The Scottish Land Commission is driving a programme of land reform spanning both urban and rural land, to create a Scotland where land is owned and used in ways that are fair, responsible and productive.
And to support this, the Scottish Land Commission have lauched a second round of ‘Land @ Lunch’ webinars, which wil share insights and learnings on land rights and responsibilities.
After the first instalment was a major success, the next round of 45-minute, informal lunchtime sessions will explore topics such as what Common Good land is and how it is managed. Other topics including rural housing and vacant and derelict land will also be covered.
The series will run fortnightly on Wednesdays from 18 January to 29 March and will share knowledge with attendees on how they can get involved in local land use decision-making to make a positive change.
Emma Cooper, Head of Land Rights and Responsibilities at the Scottish Land Commission, said: “The positive feedback from the first series of sessions highlighted how eager people across Scotland are to learn about and engage in discussions about the land around them and the role they can play in it.
You can find out more including links to all the webinars and registration here