SRN launches 'SRDP on Film' season

A series of films from the Scottish Rural Network (SRN) will be released over the Autumn to publicise the positive impact and opportunities created by the Scottish Rural Development Programme (SRDP).
The “SRDP on Film” season will highlight a range of projects funded under the SRDP in up to twenty short films set to be released every Thursday on the SRN website and social media channels.
The first film has been launched today (September 7) to link in with Scottish Food and Drink Fortnight, and features Loch Leven’s Larder.
The Kinross-based restaurant, deli and retail shop was set up with the help of SRDP funding and is a great example of farm diversification, demonstrating how the SRDP is boosting the rural economy in Scotland.
You can view the film below, on Vimeo or on our Facebook page.
Funding for farm diversification projects is available in the current SRDP programme under LEADER. SRDP on Film aims to highlight case studies that promote and inspire applications for SRDP funding, with a focus on priorities such as farm diversification, cooperation, innovation, new entrants to farming and land management.
Future films will feature diverse enterprises such as as alpaca trekking, an innovative programme to make lamb rearing more efficient and a cooperation project that connects Scotland with the rest of Europe through folk song.
Head of the SRN Support Unit, Alistair Prior said: “These films illustrate very well the positive impacts that investments funded under the Scottish Rural Development Programme (SRDP) have made to our rural businesses and communities.
“By putting the spotlight on a small sample of what can be achieved, we are demonstrating the vital contribution that this funding mechanism can make towards achieving our ambitions for rural Scotland.
"I hope these films will inspire everyone to think what they can do for their local economy, local environment and local community."
You can follow the series on the SRN Website, on Vimeo, on Twitter at @scotruralnet and on the SRN Facebook Page. Share and discuss online using the hashtag #SRPDonFilm.
For any contact regarding #SRDPonFilm contact SRN Communications Officer James Rose at or 0131 244 3239
SRDP on Film: Loch Leven's Larder from ScottishRuralNetwork on Vimeo.