Wild fisheries consultation launches

Salmon jumping
Norette Ferns

A 12-week consultation on the Scottish Government's draft Wild Fisheries Bill and a draft Wild Fisheries Strategy has launched this week.

Views are being sought from individuals and organisations on new proposals to improve the conservation and management of wild fisheries and habitats.

Minister for Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform, Dr McLeod said she would welcome the input of those concerned with salmon and freshwater fisheries management to help ensure the sustainable future of this sector. 

Dr McLeod said: 

"The Scottish Government is committed to supporting our famous and valuable wild fisheries, to ensuring we modernise our fishery management structures and to establishing a more secure and sustainable future for this vital sector.

"This is why we are consulting on draft provisions for a Wild Fisheries Bill, these provisions adopt an all species approach, while promoting conservation and good management of our wild fisheries resources.

"The draft provisions and draft Strategy have been developed collaboratively and have been informed by the Report on the Independent Wild Fisheries Review and with a substantial contribution from a range of stakeholders.

"I am pleased that we have had so many positive contributions to the process to date. This is a further opportunity for the sector to engage and influence the process and provide fresh thoughts. I would urge all those with an interest in fisheries management in Scotland to respond to the consultation by 2 May 2016."

Visit the Scottish Government's consultation website for more information.

The closing date for responses is 2 May 2016.