Technology leading the way

Thursday 10 June 2021 - 10:00 to 11:00



Technology leading the way – supporting rural communities and businesses.

Scotland’s rural economy, from the South of Scotland to the Highlands & Islands, is vibrant and full of potential across many sectors with prominence amongst agriculture, tourism, and forestry. This webinar in partnership with the South of Scotland Enterprise, SRUC and the IoD will showcase the art of the possible from technologies, ideas and expertise that can be tapped into to support, boost and engage rural communities, businesses, and their economy.

Our Speakers

  • Paul Mayfield, Senior Consultant, SAC Consulting part of SRUC
    Digital Technologies are going to play an increasingly important role in our lives over the coming years bringing significant changes and opportunities to the rural sector. In his presentation Paul will provide an overview of the technologies that are going to change farming and the rural environment, providing examples of some of the things SRUC are doing in this area and discussing some of the consequences these changes will have on businesses and the rural economy.

  • Susan Harkins, Head of Areas Operations will provide an overview of the South of Scotland Enterprise Agency
  • Shelley Breckenridge, Business Engagement Manager, Interface
    Shelley will introduce Interface, how we connect businesses and social enterprises with academic expertise and the funding opportunities to support collaborative projects.

  • Business case study - Wilma Finlay of The Ethical Dairy will talk about her journey to create a circular, regenerative farming system that has a positive environmental impact, delivers nutritious food, provides good quality jobs and works to the highest possible standards of animal welfare.

Who should attend?
Are you a rural-based business looking for new ideas, expertise, the latest technologies? Have a challenge you would like to solve? Are seeking collaborative partners? Then this is the event for you.

If you have any questions you would like us to answer on the webinar, please email
