Towards a Climate Resilient Economy in Scotland

About the workshop
This workshop is part of a series of technical workshops, run as part of the public consultation on the Scottish Government’s draft Scottish National Adaptation Plan 2024-2029.
This session aims to bring together expert stakeholders to discuss how Scotland can adapt and build resilience to the impacts of climate change.
This workshop will focus on our approach to:
- supporting a climate resilient economy
- mobilising the investment needed for a well-adapted Scotland.
The draft Adaptation Plan 2024-29 recognises greater climate resilience will be crucial to ensure the future security and prosperity of Scotland’s economy. The costs of climate change are already high, and are estimated to already cost the Scottish economy billions of pounds per year. By 2050, costs are estimated at between 1.2% to 1.6% of GDP per year. Action to respond to both the current and projected changes in Scotland’s climate is therefore required.
With a changing climate there are however not just costs, but potential economic opportunities. This workshop will build on recent research including the Adaptation Scotland Climate Adaptation Finance: Insights and Opportunities for Scotland report.
This session will be an opportunity to influence the development of further action for inclusion in the final Scottish National Adaptation Plan 2024-29, ahead of publication in Autumn.
Who is running the workshop?
The workshop is being run jointly by the Scottish Government and the Adaptation Scotland programme, delivered by sustainability charity Sniffer.
What is the Scottish National Adaptation Plan?
The Climate Change Act 2009 requires a national-level Adaptation Plan to be set out by the Scottish Government every 5 years.
The draft of the Third Scottish National Adaptation Plan 2024-29 (SNAP3) sets out the tools available so people, communities and businesses can adapt and become more resilient in the face of climate change.
The Scottish Government is now seeking your views on how the draft Adaptation Plan can be improved before final publication in Autumn.
This workshop focuses on the policies, and approaches, outlined in the draft Plan’s outcome ‘Economies and industries are adapting and realising opportunities in Scotland’s Just Transition’.
Who is this workshop for?
Professionals working in the private sector, organisations supporting businesses in Scotland, industry bodies, and financial services professionals. Prior knowledge of climate impacts in Scotland would be beneficial, but is not essential.
09:30 – Welcome and introductions
09:35 – SNAP3 consultation and policy development so far
09:45 – Breakout groups
· What are the information and support needs of businesses of different types and sizes to build resilience to climate impacts?
· What are the economic and employment opportunities arising from climate change in Scotland?
· How can business, industry and finance contribute to building a more climate resilient Scotland?
· How can the Scottish Government support and incentivise more private investment and financing of adaptation action in Scotland?
11:15 – Feedback and priorities for SNAP3
11:30 – Thanks and close