What does your marketing toolkit look like?

Images of lightbulb, pens, ruler and tools
Tuesday 8 February 2022 - 11:00 to 12:30



Putting together a marketing toolkit means that you have all of the resources you need ready to go whenever you spot a new opportunity.

Take the panic and hassle out of acting on opportunities by preparing up to date information and resources. By having your logos, CV, short bio, great photos and some other key pieces in an organised format and safe place you can be more agile and speedy in your responses to invites, opportunities and new connections. These might include:

  • preparing for attending a market either in person or online
  • applying for a listing
  • featuring in a magazine article
  • collaborating with other business owners
  • submissions for tenders or 3rd party work

This session will be led by GrowBiz Enterprise Facilitator, Caron Ironside. Caron also project manages Perthshire Artisans, a curated e-commerce platform. A creative herself, she understands and knows what you need to be able to provide marketing material that is well thought through and makes it easy for the recipient to feature you and your business.

Invest a little time now and reap the long term rewards.

GrowBiz provide enterprise support to businesses, enterprises and the self-employed in rural Scotland (i.e. out with cities) - please only a book a place if you are based in rural Scotland.

