
The Scottish Government are seeking views on the priorities and principles they have set for the use of bioenergy, as well as views on the potential to scale up domestic production of biomass via planting of perennial energy crops.

There are several Scottish Government online consultations currently open, which are of direct relevance to rural and island communities.

Consultations are an important part of government policy development, where views and insights garnered are used by policy areas to develop and inform policies that in turn can be progressed into new Bills or Laws.  Online consultations are a key tool in supporting this activity.

Net Zero - Inspiration from Comrie Croft

Join Growbiz  in person at the iconic Comrie Croft to hear Andrew Donaldson talk about the positive impact of climate action and sustainability on his business and the route he’s taking to reach Net zero as an achievable goal. His inspiring story will challenge you to think creatively about you business' climate action.

Andrew says:

Youth Climate Leadership - Highlands

Join 2050 Climate Group in the third taster session of the newly redeveloped young leaders development programme!

The University of Strathclyde’s first-ever social enterprise spin-out company – C2LI – aims to tackle global warming by helping private and public sector organisations understand and adhere to climate change-related law.

Views are being sought on proposals for the sustainable use of bioenergy, including growing crops which can be converted into electricity, heat and fuels.

Bioenergy is already a key component of Scotland’s energy system and is produced by using organic material from trees, plants and food waste as a greener source to replace fossil fuels.

Scottish Borders Climate Action Network for the Green Summit

Throughout the day, there will be a diverse range of engaging sessions lined up as well as plenty time for networking. There will be the opportunity to attend informative workshops, participate in interactive discussions, and gain valuable insights from others.

Moray CAN - Climate Action Network Meeting

Moray's new Climate Action Network, Moray CAN, is dedicated to helping local communities mobilise their efforts to take climate action.

The Scottish Government is proposing to make new laws around the heating systems that can be used in homes and places of work, which will help Scotland reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and reach its legal binding ‘net zero’ targets.
