
An initiative to position Scotland as a European hub for the recycling and repurposing of wind turbine blades is included in a deal agreed by the Scottish Government and industry.

The commitment to establish at least one specialist facility by 2030 forms part of the Onshore Wind Sector Deal signed today at the Scottish Renewables Onshore Wind Conference in Edinburgh.

The Deal lays out how the Government and industry will work together to harness the full potential of onshore wind to benefit communities, boost the economy and reduce carbon emissions.

National Islands Plan Review – consultation events

Scotland’s first ever National Islands Plan was published in 2019 and it is now being reviewed. This review may lead to the publication of a new National Islands Plan.

The Scottish Government wants to hear from island communities and relevant sectors and partners to ensure this process is as thorough and effective as possible, providing us with vital feedback from those most impacted by the National Islands Plan.

Scotland’s first ever National Islands Plan (NIP) was published in 2019 and it is now going through its first review.

Scientists at the University of Aberdeen are developing technology that will enable electricity generated by renewables to be ‘banked’ as green hydrogen in depleted oil and gas reservoirs alongside industrial carbon emissions. 

The research could play a key role in helping Scotland achieve its net zero ambitions and even become a net exporter of hydrogen, while providing a new lease of life to depleted oil and gas reservoirs and aquifers, as well as the pipeline and well infrastructure surrounding them. 

Scotland’s first ever National Islands Plan was published in 2019 and is now being reviewed as required by the Islands (Scotland) Act 2018, which may lead to the publication of a new National Islands Plan. 

A fund designed to support local regeneration and sustainable development around Scotland’s coast has been launched by Crown Estate Scotland (CES).

The Sustainable Communities Fund, is made up of two different programmes. Total investment across the two programmes could reach £750,000 over the next three years.

Bute House Agreement delivering Scotland’s energy transition.

The journey to a greener, fairer, net zero economy is accelerating as the Bute House Agreement, the shared policy programme between the Scottish Government and the Scottish Green Party, marks its second anniversary.

A cooperation agreement with the French region of Brittany aims to strengthen Scotland’s position as a leader in Europe’s offshore renewables industry.

The Net Zero, Energy and Transport Committee is seeking your views on the Circular Economy (Scotland) Bill, which was introduced by the Scottish Government on Tuesday 13th June 2023.

There are two ways you can share your views with the Parliament. You can:

A new group aimed at crofters in Sutherland and Caithness has been launched by the Nature Friendly Farming Network (NFFN).
