
Two projects about sports and enjoying the outdoors are the latest to benefit from funding from the Cairngorms LEADER programme.

A total of £106,913.20 has been awarded to the Kingussie 2017 project for major improvements to the facilities at Kingussie Shinty Club. Facilities at the pitch will be upgraded to the standard expected of a 21st century modern day sports club and to a high enough standard that in the future Kingussie could apply to host major occasions such as National Shinty Finals and International matches.

The SRUC Rural Policy Centre has launched its Rural Scotland in Focus 2016 report.

The report provides a fast-track to up-to-date evidence and commentary on key topics of rural and national importance, in order to inform policy, practice and research.

Rural Scotland in Focus 2016 is the fourth report in the series, and was launched at an event in Edinburgh on 29 November attended by over 90 people.

A small Scottish hostel has made it to the finals of a biennial European Commission Award designed to recognise businesses at the forefront of eco-innovation.

The European Business Award for the Environment supports the growing number of enterprises that put protecting the environment at the very heart of their work.

The Scottish Seabird Centre have announced that the architects who worked on their award-winning building in North Berwick will work on the National Marine Centre project.

Simpson & Brown Architects specialise in conservation projects, creative adaption of existing buildings and the design of environmentally-sound initiatives. The original Scottish Seabird Centre, opened in May 2000, has become a popular landmark building and has won several architectural and sustainability awards.

Woodland: making it work for you. Management, woodland creation and woodfuel

A practical on-farm afternoon looking at benefits of managing farm woodlands, new plantings, business opportunities and agri environment schemes. The event will include discussion on woodland creation, how to manage existing woodland, opportunities for wood fuel production and biomass boilers. Speakers include Simon MacGillivray, Chartered Forester; Joe Fergusson, Energy Agency,  Richard Huston, Farm Business Services and Forestry Commission Scotland.

Woodland: making it work for you - Management, planting and utilisation

A practical on-farm afternoon looking at benefits of managing farm woodlands, new plantings and business opportunities. The event will include discussion on woodland creation, riparian and shelter belt planting, how to manage existing woodland and opportunities for wood fuel production. Speakers from Woodland Trust Scotland, Forestry Commission Scotland and Jeremy Thompson, Forest Direct.

Booking is required. For further information please call Lyn on 07899 791748 or email lwhite@soilassociation.org

Building a transnational capacity-building network for common land graziers – taking the first steps

Creation of a formal capacity-building, experience-sharing, mutually-supportive and collaboration-catalysing network for graziers of common and communal land and their organisations from across Europe.

Find out more

Would you consider recording a 60-90 seconds’ video saying why UK seas matter to you and to the economic sustainability of your town/community?

The European Small Islands Federation highlight some of the issues that small islands face as well as the wealth of opportunity for sustainable development. 

Lantra Scotland is now accepting nominations for its 2017 Land-based and Aquaculture Learner of the Year Awards.

Now in their fourteenth year, the awards celebrate the achievements of the country's most talented Modern Apprentices, trainees, school pupils, mentors and secondary schools.
