
This workshop is aimed at managers and multipliers from all over the world who hold positions of responsibility in the field of youth work or vocational training in rural and island areas. 

Nature Restoration Jobs and Skills Online Conference

Join Nature Scot to learn more about Scotland’s ambition for nature restoration, the skills we need to meet that ambition and what the Scottish Government and its partners are doing to support the development of a skilled, inclusive workforce for nature restoration.

Fine Tune Your Social Enterprise for Start Ups

Just Enterprise’s Fine Tune events offer an opportunity for early stage social enterprises to access expert business and technical support in one day. They are also a brilliant way to get inspired and connect with other social entrepreneurs.

This next Fine Tune session will have a fantastic line up of speakers and panellists ready to share their knowledge and experience with participants.

A public survey to help develop an International Culture Strategy for Scotland has been launched by the Culture Secretary.

A derelict site once central to the Clyde’s shipbuilding industry will be transformed following a £2.4 million award from the low carbon Vacant and Derelict Land Investment Programme.

Scottish Island Futures 2050 and Beyond Workshop

This streamed session will focus on island governance. What is the nature of the relationship between islands and their metropoles i.e. Edinburgh and London. Are there better models of governance? Is island autonomy a goal to be strived for?

Countryside Visitors - Who Pays?

Rural tourism makes a massive contribution to Scotland’s economy, including generating £1.2 billion from walking tourism alone, as well as improving the country’s social capital in terms of health and wellbeing.

But many who live in rural communitie are not getting their fair share of the benefits.

Community Map Scotland

The Improvement Service, Scottish Rural Action and Geoxphere are hosting a free evening webinar for community councillors to learn more about Community Map Scotland. The webinar will take place online on Microsoft Teams on Wednesday 15th February at 6pm.

Scotland’s community tourism network is launching a nationwide roadshow in a bid to support existing community tourism providers and encourage more communities to take a lead in providing grassroots owned tourism facilities and services.

Pragmatic approach to support hosts during cost of living crisis.

Recognising the pressures short-term lets hosts face at this time, legislation has been laid to extend the deadline for applying for a licence by six months to 1 October 2023.
