
New guidance has been published that is designed to help make our outdoor places and spaces, routes and facilities more accessible, and outdoor experiences more inclusive, so they can be enjoyed by everyone. 

New Outdoor Accessibility Guidance was published this month and has been developed by Paths for All together with the Sensory Trust. 

Last week, the Scottish Rural Network and Scottish Government Rural Communities policy team hosted a conference about the future priorities and potential for Community Led Local Development (CLLD) in Scotland.

The event, held at the Macdonald Resort in Aviemore on the 18 April, brought together a range of CLLD stakeholders from across Scotland including Local Action Group (LAG) representatives, operational delivery teams, government policy leads and community led organisations.


Debate Night is the only television programme of its kind in Scotland. 

It gives you the opportunity to put your questions to the country’s decision-makers and public figures.

The case for reintroducing lynx to Scotland is being discussed in the Scottish Parliament for the first time, with a reception today (Tuesday 25 April) organised by rewilding charities and sponsored by Ariane Burgess MSP.

The Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs, Land Reform and Islands has announced the appointments of Emma Bucky, Jilly Duncan Grant and Carrie Ruxton as Members of the Quality Meat Scotland Board.

Up to £25 million is being made available to help councils identify affordable homes for key workers in rural communities.

Yesterday (18 April) saw the launch and publication of new policy prospectus by First Minister Humza Yousaf, setting out what the government will deliver for Scotland over the next three years

The ‘Equality, opportunity, community. New leadership – A fresh start’ publication sets out Ministerial priorities to be delivered by 2026 and describes what the Scottish Government aim to achieve, which when taken together will deliver upon the three key missions:

The world’s first rewilding centre has been opened near Loch Ness in the Scottish Highlands by charity Trees for Life – showcasing how large-scale nature recovery can give people inspiring experiences, create jobs and benefit rural communities.

In Spring 2022 the first part of the National test programme became live with the launch of Preparing from Sustainable Farming (PSF)
