
People who are part of, or wishing to enter a land or nature based industry, can apply for funding support to gain practical skills required to respond to the climate change challenge.

Supported by Scottish Government funding of up to £250,000 and administered by Lantra Scotland, the Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Practical Training Fund is open to applications from people aged 13 and over.

The next 10 years will be decisive in building a more resilient, entrepreneurial and fair economy, according to Economy Secretary Kate Forbes. 

Speaking ahead of the expected publication of the National Strategy for Economic Transformation, Ms Forbes said the Scottish Government will work with businesses, trade unions, third sector and public bodies to seize Scotland’s economic potential.

Protecting foxes, hares and other wild mammals from being chased and killed by packs of dogs is the purpose of the Scottish Government’s new Hunting with Dogs Bill.

The Bill will replace existing legislation in this area, making the law clearer and closing loopholes.

Rewilding Britain is launching the UK’s first Rewilding Innovation Fund to boost locally led land and marine nature recovery projects across Britain, including community initiatives and those focused on improving people’s health and wellbeing.

The fund will be given to innovative projects seeking to create new opportunities for large-scale nature restoration, such as through community engagement, business plans or use of technology.

The purpose of the Natural Capital Pilots are to inform what future rural support outside of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) might look like. 

Financial support will be made available to help crofters and farmers on Scotland’s islands effectively manage local populations of greylag geese.

In some locations, an increase in numbers of geese has caused significant agricultural damage to barley crops and improved pasture, from cropping being eaten and trampled.

Can you help with research into the existing and potential use of Scotland’s wild plants, fungi and algae?

Scotland has a rich larder of wild plants, fungi and algae. Some of these are foraged by individuals or used by businesses as food, flavours or in the production of art and design or personal care products.

The future of farming in Scotland

Farming is going through a change like never before, it is important for farmers and landowners to be on the front foot.

The consultation on the draft second Strategic Transport Projects Review (STPR2) Summary Report is now open.

Agroforestry: benefits of hedges & riparian buffers

Interested on what hedges and riparian buffers can do for your land?

Join us at this online event to hear from experts, farmers and crofters about their experience and ask your questions about :
