Rural services

Horticulture – Compost and Growing Media

Do you have a horticultural enterprise on your smallholding or croft? Do you buy or make compost or growing media? Do you get variable results?!

Join FAS for this online talk and discussion on compost, with grower and soil expert Audrey Litterick.  Audrey will cover:

Horticulture – Crop Choice, Rotations and Marketing Produce

Planning on growing and selling veg from your smallholding or croft?

This online talk and discussion for smallholders and crofters is about maximising income from your holding with profitable cropping.

Site Safety and Management Training - Forest to Bog restoration

Site Safety and Management – Forest to Bog Restoration Sites

This course sets a foundation for safe and effective management of operational forestry sites and learning activities will be delivered through classroom and field sessions.

By the end of this course you will:

There are several Scottish Government online consultations currently open, which are of direct relevance to rural and island communities.

Consultations are an important part of government policy development, where views and insights garnered are used by policy areas to develop and inform policies that in turn can be progressed into new Bills or Laws.  Online consultations are a key tool in supporting this activity.

Pioneering practice: Shaping Scotland’s future through inclusive land ownership

Are you passionate about the future of Scotland's land? Do you want to be part of shaping innovative approaches to land ownership and governance?

Forestry Work Manager Higher Technical Qualification: Consultation Events

The Forestry Trailblazer Group which developed the Forest Craftsperson and Professional Forester apprenticeship standards is now developing an intermediate qualification for Forestry Works Managers (FWM).

Looking for a new job? Check out some of the latest vacancies from across rural Scotland.

Dumfries & Galloway Woodlands - Woodland ACTION Officer

National Rural Mental Health Forum

National Rural Mental Health Forum

Welcome to the National Rural Mental Health Forum! Join us for a virtual gathering of passionate individuals and experts dedicated to improving mental health in rural communities. This online event is your opportunity to connect, learn, and share ideas with like-minded individuals from across the country.

Woodland Habitat Impact Assessment (WHIALite) Workshop - Dingwall

2024 WHIALite Programme

As part of The Wild Deer Best Practice guidance collection, Steering Group partners, led by NatureScot and Forestry and Land Scotland (FLS) developed a simplified methodology for assessing the impacts of grazing herbivores on woodland habitat.

Members of the public are being urged to notify experts if they think they see a non-native hornet species.

Yellow-legged Asian hornets (Vespa velutina nigrithorax) are a non-native invasive species which are aggressive predators of several species, including honey bees and other pollinators.
