Rural services

General Election Hustings - focus on rural and island futures

While many of the policy areas SRA's members focus on are devolved to the Scottish Government, matters reserved to Westminster have equally far-reaching consequences .

The Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI) is delighted to announce that it is offering 10 £5000 RTPI Future Planners bursaries to a selection of students who choose to enrol on an RTPI fully accredited Planning Masters in Scotland for this coming academic year.  

Scottish Government has provided grant funding to deliver this bursary scheme.

What this bursary is for

MyParkScotland have announced the launch of the first round of the Parks4Life Community Fund. 

The primary goal of the Parks4Life Community Fund is to support community groups to deliver on their aim in bringing their parks to life and make the best of our parks for everyone to enjoy now and in the future.

Work to develop Scotland's Rural Delivery Plan (RDP) continues to be taken forward by Scottish Government and helping to inform this programme is the work of the Rural Exchange.

To help share learning and inspire community organisations, Scottish Rural Network have published a trio of video case studies focusing on rural and island community resources and spaces.

Carbon Literacy for rural industries

Are you an individual, or organisation keen to make our rural industries training available to up to three colleagues?

This one-day course will provide a recognised qualification and a  foundation of knowledge to level the playing field towards the Just Transition to net zero, no matter if you manage a croft or a global multinational.

AgriScot 2024

Welcome to AgriScot 2024!

Join us at the Royal Highland Centre for a day filled with all things agriculture. From livestock shows to machinery displays, there's something for everyone interested in the farming industry. Network with fellow farmers, learn about the latest innovations, and discover new products to enhance your farm.

Scottish Agritourism Conference 2024

This Conference will bring together everyone interested in the development of agritourism in Scotland.

It will be a great chance to get together, network and build relationships.

The conference is set to welcome:

Farm retail with a focus on building staff teams - Monitor Farms Programme

Scotland's Agritourism Monitor Farm programme supports agritourism, rural tourism and food and drink businesses to invest and grow, driving benefit to the rural economy and beyond.

This Monitor Farm meeting takes place  at the Black Isle Brewery moving to Black Isle Berries. The focus of the meeting is on farm retail and catering with a staff focus.

Registration is at 10.00 am at the Black Isle Brewery with the meeting starting at 10.30 am.

Farm retail with a focus on building staff teams - Monitor farm programme


Scotland's Agritourism Monitor Farm programme supports agritourism, rural tourism and food and drink businesses to invest and grow, driving benefit to the rural economy and beyond.
