Sport and leisure

Museums, libraries and historic environment organisations can apply for grants from the #COP26Conversations Fund to host events and activities before and during the COP26 summit.

The Fund will offer grants of up to £1,000 to host small-scale, community-focused events and activities taking place between early September and 15 November.

Get Creative Outdoors is a campaign and festival that invites people to try their hand at something creative in the open air.

Taking part in creative activity and reconnecting with nature can be hugely beneficial for our wellbeing. This summer Get Creative is inviting people to do both. 

With the school summer holidays off to a sunny start, families across Stirlingshire are being urged to get on their bikes and enjoy the great outdoors.

Crown Estate Scotland has launched a special fund to help promote the sustainable development of Scotland’s marine tourism sector.

Cycling UK has launched a new project to get more people in rural and remote areas of Scotland walking, wheeling and cycling.

Does your business benefit from golf tourism?

Call for papers and participants for an "Arts, Enterprise and Place in the Rural Creative Economy" Conference to take place at Newcastle University on 12 & 13 January 2022.

Music Festival Futures in the Highlands and Islands

Join in a public panel discussion on the future for music festivals in the Highlands and Islands of Scotland as we emerge from lockdown. Three leaders from the biggest events on the music festival calendar will be discussing how they are planning for their festivals this year in 2021 and how covid has changed their approach, and what it might mean for the coming months and next year’s events.

The panel includes:

Find out about some current rural development jobs and vacancies in rural areas.

Chief Executive Officer - Paths for All 

Paths for All are looking for a Chief Executive Officer (CEO).  Reporting to the Board of Directors, the CEO will be responsible for the leadership and management of the operational and financial affairs of Paths for All.
