Scotland represented at Swedish Rural Parliament

Scotland is being represented at this week's Swedish Rural Parliament, one of the largest gatherings for rural development in Europe.
Bill Sturrock, a member of Angus LEADER Local Action Group, and Sarah Hyslop, Ayrshire LEADER Programme Manager, are being supported by the Scottish Rural Network to attend the event.
The Swedish Rural Parliament event takes place in Visby, Gotland from 27 to 29 May. The theme for 2016 is 'Towards a balanced country'.
There will be range of facilitated workshops and project visits and participants will challenge and educate each other on issues of rural development and explore the question of how balanced rural communities can be achieved.
Follow @AyrshireLEADER and @LEADERAngus on Twitter for updates, photos and videos from the event.
As well as serving on the Angus LEADER LAG, businessman Bill Sturrock is also helping to develop Brechin's hosting of the Scottish Rural Parliament later this year.
A spokesperson for the Angus LAG said:
"Angus LEADER is delighted to have Bill representing us at the Swedish Rural Parliament in Sweden, thanks to funding from the Scottish Government’s rural network support unit.
"The Swedish Rural Parliament focuses on international ideas in rural development and democratisation. These issues have a totally different slant in Sweden – and delegates from around Europe will be keen to share and contrast their experience.
"It is a great learning and sharing opportunity for Angus."
Sarah and Bill will be reporting on the Swedish Rural Parliament for us on their return.
The next Scottish Rural Parliament takes place in Brechin from 6-8 October. You can find out more about the first Scottish Rural Parliament, which took place in Oban in 2014, in a short film below.
Scottish Rural Parliament 2014 from Scottish Rural Parliament on Vimeo.