Live Lambs

Live Lambs

Name of organisation/business: 
Facilitated by Scotland’s Rural College
£81,000 - Knowledge Transfer and Innovation Fund
Scottish Rural Development Programme priority: 
Supporting agricultural and forestry businesses



Various locations across Scotland

The Live Lambs project is funded by the Knowledge and Innovation Fund, and aims to identify ways to increase the rearing percentage per ewe. It's about focusing farmers' minds on technical efficiency and encouraging them to share knowledge and experience. 

Watch our short video below to find out more about the project. The video is part of our SRDP on Film series.

Among the Live Lambs Focus Farmers are Duncan McEwan, Arnprior near Stirling and Andrew Baillie of Carstairs Mains, Carstairs, both previously QMS Monitor Farmers. They are joined by Aaron Byrnes, originally from Australia but now farming near New Deer in Aberdeenshire; Donald Barrie, Farms Manager at the James Hutton Institute hill farm at Glensaugh and Lothians Farm Manager Peter Eccles from Saughland Farm, Pathhead.

Their activity will be boosted by additional information collected from SRUC’s Kirkton and Auchtertyre Farms near Crianlarich and through the involvement of Mark Gray who is involved in a separately funded project on his farm near Durham.

To find out more about the Knowledge Transfer and Innovation Fund, visit the Rural Payments and Services website.

SRDP on Film: Live Lambs Project from ScottishRuralNetwork on Vimeo.