Case studies

Be inspired by success stories from rural development projects across the country.

Innovative use of emerging technologies to improve pig production efficiency
Name of organisation/business: 
Wholesome Pigs (Scotland) Ltd
Knowledge Transfer and Innovation Scheme: £390,696
DD8 Music
Name of organisation/business: 
DD8 Music
Rural Tayside LEADER 2007-13: £31,333
Move to a new purpose-built bakery
Name of organisation/business: 
Breadwinner Bakery
Food Processing, Marketing and Cooperation scheme: £19,650
Upgrading equipment at Aberdeen & Northern Eggs
Name of organisation/business: 
Aberdeen & Northern Eggs trading as Farmlay Eggs
Food Processing, Marketing and Cooperation scheme: £286,828
Stoddarts Further Processing
Name of organisation/business: 
AK Stoddart Ltd
Food Processing, Marketing and Cooperation scheme: £132,778.33
Making the Most of the Coast
Name of organisation/business: 
Solway Firth Partnership
Dumfries & Galloway LEADER: £89,598 and funding from Dumfries and Galloway Council, The Crown Estate, The Robertson Trust, Solway Firth Partnership and in kind from volunteers
