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News from Ayrshire LEADER
The Ayrshire LEADER Local Action Group is supporting a range of Summer 2016 community events and gala days in 14 rural communities across South Ayrshire including Coylton, Dundonald, Annbank, Maybole, Girvan and Ballantrae.
There will be a pop-up LEADER funding hub at each one of these events where the LEADER team will have the opportunity to promote the new Ayrshire LEADER programme, helping strengthen LEADERs relationship and reputation in rural areas, taking the opportunity to meet and talk to thousands of people, local groups and businesses about the types of projects the Programme can support whilst supporting the spirit of rural community celebrations.
Through this support, the Ayrshire Local Action Group demonstrates their vision and commitment to inspire, build confidence and strengthen local communities and businesses generating new opportunities to support resilience and wellbeing across rural Ayrshire.
Visit the Ayrshire LEADER website for more information.