
The first ever National Islands Plan for Scotland has been laid before the Scottish Parliament for consideration.

The proposed National Islands Plan provides a framework for action in order to meaningfully improve outcomes for Scotland's island communities.

Scotland’s Climate Week is 7th-13th October. We'll be taking part by highlighting some of the work that's being done in rural Scotland to help tackle climate change.

Scotland's Climate Week provides organisations with the opportunity to celebrate and showcase what they’re doing already to tackle the climate emergency and to step up and start doing more to save our world.

Businesses and organisations can now apply to a £30 million fund to create low-carbon heating infrastructure.

Pupils from Montrose Academy and Mearns Academy finished their school term learning all about sustainability and renewable energy.

The Big Climate Conversation Youth Event in Stirling

The Scottish Government is pleased to invite members of the public to The Big Climate Conversation youth workshop (ages 11-26) in Stirling.

Places are filling up fast for the first of a series of Scottish Government Big Climate Conversation events being held across the country this summer.

SR Marine Conference, Exhibition & Dinner 2019

Scotland’s wave and tidal industries continue to push the boundaries of technology and project development, with devices and projects continually breaking records. Our global lead is clear; more wave and tidal devices have been deployed in Scotland’s Highlands and Islands than in the rest of the world combined.

With that comes not just centres of excellence, as in Orkney, but a dispersed set of benefits across our geographies: jobs created, vibrant academic centres and of course clean energy delivery. The continued lack of a viable route to market puts all of this in jeopardy.
