
A project which helps people struggling to heat their homes has become the first to receive a share of a £7 million fund to tackle fuel poverty this winter.

A five-year programme to fund affordable housing projects in rural and island communities is being extended, Housing Minister Kevin Stewart has told Parliament.

The Rural and Islands Housing Funds, worth up to £30 million, were launched in 2016 and will now run beyond March next year.

A new £4.5 million cashback incentive to help people install renewable and energy efficiency measures in their homes has been announced by the Scottish Government.

Homeowners will be able to apply for 75% cashback up to the value of £7,500 towards the cost of a renewable heating system and a further 40% cashback up to £6,000 for energy efficiency measures.

Fuel-poor households are to benefit from a further £16 million investment to improve energy efficiency in their homes.

The money will be used to improve insulation and install energy efficient heating systems, including those using renewable technology, contributing to Scotland’s net zero targets and helping to meet a key Programme for Government commitment.

Construction work is underway on a £1.6million housing, health and economic project in Skye.

The eagerly-awaited site start in Stenscholl, Staffin by island-based James MacQueen Builders comes 21 years after the last affordable housing development opened in the north-east Skye community.

The Dornoch Area Community Interest Company (DACIC) has become the new owner of the former Dornoch Police Station following a successful Asset Transfer Request from Police Scotland.

The transfer which included a 5% discount from market valuation in acknowledgement of the significant community benefit that will ensue from the community ownership of the building. The acquisition was funded by the Scottish Land Fund.

The Scottish Land Fund has awarded £1,586,398 to 11 community ownership projects.

A community development company on the island of Colonsay, population 135, has been awarded £390,000 to buy land to build affordable housing and to create a site for affordable business units. The money will be used to buy two areas of land around the settlement of Scalasaig as part of a project to build homes for island residents.

The Scottish Government has started early engagement on the development of Scotland's fourth National Planning Framework (NPF4).

The National Planning Framework is a long term plan for development and investment across Scotland.

An upcoming Scottish Rural Action conference will kick start a 'rural movement' to make rural Scotland's voice heard.

Representatives from rural Scotland's communities, businesses and organisations are invited to attend the free event taking place from 26 to 27 February at New Lanark Visitor Centre, the renowned world heritage site.

Housing to 2040 Consultation – Stakeholder Engagement Event (Jura)

Scottish Government and NHS Health Scotland are hosting a stakeholder engagement event bringing together a wide range of interests as part of their consultation process.
