Community development

Could connecting with a researcher help your community group run a project exploring a local climate change issue?

Could 20-minute neighbourhoods, where people can meet their daily needs within a short walk from their home, be the answer to Scotland’s net zero ambitions? Locals living in villages east of Loch Lomond are about to find out.

Councils will be given powers to ensure short-term lets are safe and meet the needs of their local communities under legislation laid before the Scottish Parliament.

Communities Leading in Tourism is a fully-funded, responsive programme that empowers community leaders to shape and influence local tourism.

Over 100 organisations have received a £1.5 million funding boost to help revitalise cities, town centres and neighbourhoods across Scotland.

Scottish Futures Trust has published their new ‘Place Guide’

Living well locally is a key ambition of the Programme for Government.  Building the conditions to live well locally is about taking a place-based approach to needs, services and investment opportunities.

The Perth and Kinross Visitor Management Group is currently working on a Tourism Infrastructure Development Plan for 2022 – 2025 and are seeking the views of residents in the Perth and Kinross area.

The Coronavirus pandemic led to a vast increase in the number of visitors to Perth and Kinross throughout 2020-21 and the Group want to understand how the rise in staycations has affected residents and their communities so that they can continue to support them effectively.

As creative groups start to meet up in person again, Creative Lives is offering 18 micro-grants of £300 each to help make that happen.

Eligible groups/projects are ones that:

The fourth National Planning Framework draft consultation opened earlier this month, it sets out how the approach to planning and development will help to achieve a net zero, sustainable Scotland by 2045.

Investing in Communities Fund Webinar

The ICF is a streamlined communities fund that is delivered as part of the Empowering Communities Programme.
